If you already have some safety management data that you used to keep in excel or any other format or data source (database, program, etc.), our experts will make a quick scan with you to make sure you don't lose anything important for you from the past. This way you will also be able to get a quick start with using the program, because your data will be already in it.
When data conversion is needed a data analysis is required in order to determine the conversion rules. Subsequently a conversion program is developed in consultation with the client. This ensures that the current data set of safety provisions is converted to the SQL Server Database of Protecs.
Once the conversion program is created, actual conversion can be scheduled and performed. As soon as the dataset is updated in Protecs, the program will automatically bring the ongoing technical inspection planning up to date. From that moment on Protecs supports the management of safety provisions in an audit proof manner and inspection procedure is active.
When it comes to deployment, there are 2 options available. You can use Protecs from our cloud, or it can be installed on premise in your organization network, on your own server. Protecs in the cloud enables (partial) outsourcing of functional management of the software to Lance ICT Group. Switching to Protecs in the cloud is possible at any time. A Safety Level Agreement covers all eventualities.
Our instructions and training are “to the point”. Since Protecs has an intuitive interface, we can limit ourselves to the essentials of training. For this, instruction sheets and instruction videos are available in Protecs. During office hours our help desk is available to help out with any further questions. With the aid of a Skype-connection one on one aid or instruction can be provided and, if necessary the screen can be shared. Experience has shown that on-site training is rarely needed. Of course this is still available.
You feel stuck? No problem, we got you covered!
Our instructions and training are “to the point”. Since Protecs has an intuitive interface, we can limit ourselves to the essentials of training. Experience has shown that on-site training is rarely needed. Of course this is still available.
There is trouble in paradise? No worries, we will fix it!
When you already have some data that you keep in Excel or any other format or data source (database, program, etc.), we always recommend to do a conversion to Protecs format, so the data can be always valid and in sync with the rest of the system. You can input data in the program by hand, but when you have a huge bulk of data, it could be easier and faster that we do a conversion for you.
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